Dynasty Instructor


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Dynasty Instructor : Education with a Passion

Dynasty Instructor

For our Dynasty Instructors education is more than a career.   It’s a calling and a passion. This is why Dynasty instructors turn their talents and skills into a full-time ministry that can mold the lives of students worldwide.

Can you imagine having your own ministry while doing what you love to do and fulfilling the great commission at the same time? That’s the occupation of a Dynasty Instructor.  Moreover, Dynasty Instructors can carve out an entrepreneur’s lifestyle while establishing a worldwide following.  This is why we call them "professors with purpose".  Let’s take a closer look at the method, ministry, merchant system and the curriculum which comprises the make up of a Dynasty Instructor.

The Method

Dynasty Instructors start out as part time volunteers while developing their ministries. During this time they are trained in their selected areas of instruction as well as the methods and mindsets required to operate a Dynasty teaching ministry. Each instructor candidate spends the first 6 months operating as a volunteer entrepreneurial minister and they are guided through their curriculum development by outlining each lesson plan in their selected area of instruction.  They also must successfully complete a course entitled the Seven Laws of the Learner by Dr. Bruce Wilkinson of Walk through the Bible and  a course exclusive to Dynasty called “The Seek Ye First Principles” During this time the candidates will also establish a following of paying members and develop a library of revenue producing resources.

The Ministry

Regardless of whether you are an ordained minister or a lay person ,we all have the same general calling on our lives. Matthew 28:19 says that we are to disciple the world. Thus each  Dynasty Instructor is trained and established  in operating a personal teaching ministry. In addition to instructing in their selected area of interest each instructor will be required to teach a biblical  topic at the Dynasty weekly faith based episode called “Sunday School” While teaching in their respective areas, the instructors will develop a following and in turn will publish their own library of resource material . This will include books, CDs, DVDs, and workbooks. The driving idea behind the system of instruction is to disciple as many souls into the Kingdom of God as possible while also training these student in a marketable area of study and allowing them to pursue their God-given aspirations.

The Merchant

Each Dynasty Instructor will be compensated from three sources of income.

The primary source of income will be from instructor's recruiting memberships. The instructor will be paid a large percentage of the monthly membership  based on who referred the student to Life Transition. This will provide the instructor with a monthly residual income for life. The next source of income is from resources  distributed to anyone in the world. This includes books, CDs, DVDs, and workbooks specifically published for that instructor.

The final source of income will be from the instructor speaking at private engagements.

So what will the Dynasty Instructor teach? Below is an example but not an exhaustive list of disciplines (areas of interest) and Sunday School topics the instructor will teach.



Network Engineering

Computer Repair

Writing Skills

Presentation Skills

Electrical Skills

Office Skills

Practical Math

Practical Science

Entrepreneurial Skills

Media Production

Project Management


End Times Church

God’s Kingdom

God’s Glory

Material Freedom

Vision v Provision

Devine Purpose

Sowing & Reaping

The Holy Spirit

Blessing of Abraham

Apostolic Flow

Tithes & Offerings

Information v Revelation

Click below to see the training  curriculum required for Dynasty Instructors

Dynasty Instructor

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